Affiliate Scheme
Make money with our easy deed poll affiliate programme
Join our Official Deed Polls affiliate program to receive commission for delivering customers to our website from your internet website or other media.
Just click the link below to start your application to the Official Deed Polls affiliate programme.
Your application will be reviewed same day and you will be ready to start sending traffic to us as soon as you link.
To sign up to our affiliate program please click on the following link
Affiliate Scheme Terms & Conditions
Third Party Affiliate Terms & Conditions (Paid on Results)
This Agreement shall come into force upon your acceptance as an Affiliate and shall remain in effect until terminated.
The Affiliate is entitled to terminate this Agreement with immediate effect at any time. The Affiliate must cease to use the service immediately upon the termination of this Agreement and delete all links to Linked Websites and, for the avoidance of doubt; the Affiliate shall not be entitled to receive any Commission on any Referrals made after the termination date.
Paid On Results is entitled to terminate this Agreement and/or suspend the Affiliate from Paid On Results service or from a certain Merchants Affiliate Program at any time, giving reasonable notice where possible.
The Merchant is entitled to terminate and/or suspend the Affiliate from their Program at any time, giving reasonable notice where possible. In the event of Affiliate fraud or suspected criminal activity the Merchant is entitled to terminate and/or suspend the Affiliate from their Program without any notice.
The Affiliate shall acquire no rights following the termination of this Agreement to use Intellectual Property Rights of Paid On Results or the Merchants including domain names or any text, or images, banners or any other works created by or for Paid On Results or the Merchants.
2.1 Payment Models
Paid On Results will make payments to all affiliates under one of two payment models:-
a) Standard Model (Default)
Paid On Results undertakes to make payments to affiliates on this payment model 6 weeks after the end of the month in which they have made a sale or action that would result in being paid.
b) Payment On Request
Once an affiliate has been paid by Paid On Results twice, they move on to this payment model provided they have chosen to be paid by BACS and are UK based. Affiliates on this payment model may request payment at any time for all validated sales made to the date at which you request payment. Once a request for payment has been made Paid On Results undertakes to process a BACS payment within five days.
Payment is only made to Affiliates in the UK that have a minimum balance of £25 (twenty-five pounds) in their account or joint accounts. All Affiliates outside of the UK have to reach a minimum balance of £50 (fifty pounds) in their account or joint accounts before payment is made. Affiliates who do not meet the minimum balance requirements will not be eligible for payment until it has been reached. Furthermore any account that has had no activity (clicks, sales etc.) for a period of 6 calendar months will be deemed to be abandoned and Paid On Results will apply a variable account closing charge up to the maximum of £25. The charge will never be greater than the balance in the account.
Affiliates will receive payment for any action that is payable as set out by each individual Merchant.
Affiliate payments will only be made when funds are in place from the Merchant. Paid On Results will endeavour to collect funds from the Merchant and then pay the Affiliates on the Merchant’s behalf.
In the event of a system problem at the Merchant site that you have not had prior warning about it will be up to the sole discretion of Paid On Results after having discussed the matter with the Merchant as to what compensation if any is to be paid. No compensation will be made for clicks or sales from the time Paid On Results has made due notice of the problem in it’s Affiliate Control Area and/or via Email.
Paid On Results will provide the Affiliate with a detailed real time reporting system showing commission that is pending, approved or void. The Affiliate agrees to regularly check his reports to ensure that the commission shown is correct. Paid On Results accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions and their consequential implications which are not notified to us in writing within a 4 week period. This four week period begins on the day that the sale/action which generates the commission took place. The exception to this is where the affiliate program operates on a batch reporting system and not in real time. Where that is the case, the four week period begins when the batch report which includes the day that the sale/action generating the commission took place is uploaded by Paid On Results. While Paid On Results will do everything we can to correct any errors or omissions which may occur, we will not be liable for any of these which are not brought to our attention within the 4 week period as detailed above.
The majority of Merchant Programs via Paid On Results operate on an ‘in funds’ basis. This means that the Merchant provides funds in advance ‘up front’ to finance Affiliate commission. In order to allow certain Merchants and Agencies to work with Paid On Results, this may from time to time require working on an ‘invoice after action’ basis. Programs that are not ‘in funds’ will be clearly indicated, and as such, it will be for the Affiliates to decide if the Merchant is worth taking the risk to promote or to continue promote during any period that the Merchant may not be in funds. Paid On Results is not liable to Affiliates for any loss of income due to Merchants who are not ‘in funds’ and subsequently don’t pay any invoices due.
In the event of any Affiliate fraud, all transactions in the Affiliates account will be reversed. In addition Paid On Results or the Merchants affected may recover any payments made before fraud has been detected. We also reserve the right to take legal or criminal action against the companies and individuals involved.
In the event of suspected fraud, payment to an Affiliate’s account will be stopped and the Affiliate will be asked to provide additional information as to how they have been promoting the Merchants to ascertain where any rules or program terms may have been broken. Failure to comply will result in monies being withheld and the Affiliate’s account being terminated.
Paid On Results require that all Affiliates supply an invoice before payment will be made. This must be done online via our control area. All invoices must include full legal trading details including VAT number where appropriate. Nothing in this Agreement shall create or be deemed to create, a partnership or relationship of employer and employee between Paid On Results and the Affiliate.
Any Affiliate outside of the United Kingdom to whom we pay regular or one off large sums of money may be asked to provide information in compliance with Money Laundering Regulations. Failure to comply will result in monies being withheld.
The Affiliate is responsible for the payment of all tax and national insurance payable on any payments made to him/her by Paid On Results.
For each Advertiser whose Program You have been accepted to, Paid On Results grants to You a revocable, non-transferable, royalty free, international sublicense to display and Link to the Advertiser’s Web site or Web site content, and all trademarks, service marks, trade names, and/or copyrighted material (“Content”), from each of Your Web Sites and/or subscription e-mail for the limited purposes of Promoting the Advertiser’s Program and subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The foregoing rights are sub-licensable by You to Your Sub-Publishers only if authorised by an Advertiser on its Information page or by written permission. Your/Your Sub-Publisher’s sub-license is conditioned upon You/Your Sub-Publishers'(as the case may be): (a) not otherwise copying nor modifying, in any way, any icons, buttons, banners, graphics files or Content that is made available to You through the Network Service pursuant to the such sublicense; and (b) not removing or altering any copyright or trademark notices.
You grant to Paid On Results a revocable, non-transferable, royalty free, international license to display on and distribute from Paid On Results Web site Content that You provide to Paid On Results through the Network Service for the limited purposes of promoting You to Advertisers, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the Advertiser’s Advertiser Service Agreement. The right to display such Content sub-licensable by Paid On Results to Your Advertisers, for the limited purpose of advertising that You are a member of Advertiser’s Program. Your Advertisers may not distribute and/or sublicense Your Content unless authorized by Your written permission. Paid On Results and sub-licensees shall not otherwise copy nor modify, in any way, any Content that You have made available through the Network Service pursuant to the foregoing license. Paid On Results and the sub-licensees may not remove or alter any copyright or trademark notices.
The Affiliate shall keep Paid On Results indemnified against any claims for damages or other claims for compensation arising from the contents of the Affiliate’s website or any incorrect information given to Paid On Results by the Affiliate. The Affiliate shall also compensate Paid On Results for any other damages or costs caused by the Affiliate’s improper, negligent or unauthorised use of Paid On Results service and technical problems or loss of data caused by the Affiliate on Paid On Results website or on any website to which the Affiliate is linked by Paid On Results.
Paid On Results shall not be liable to the Affiliate for defects in the service, interruptions in the accessibility to the service, infringements on data or loss of data on the information handling system, defects in the security system or viruses or other harmful software components, loss of profits, contracts, loss of reputation, loss caused by any third party deleting, removing, deactivating or tampering with the Affiliate Tracking Service or other indirect or consequential loss whether arising from negligence, breach of contract or whatsoever.
Paid On Results cannot guarantee or warrant the performance of Paid On Results service or the links to any linked websites. Paid On Results shall not be liable for any error in the implementation of the links on the Affiliate’s website or for the specified function of the links.
The Affiliate is solely responsible for his/her website and all its contents and shall ensure that they conform at all times to all applicable laws and regulations. If the Affiliate is based outside of the United Kingdom then they must also undertake to ensure their website is compliant with the laws of the United Kingdom.
The Affiliate shall not use his/her links with any website/service that is not registered with or notified Paid On Results. From time to time Merchants will limit the use of their program to certain websites, if an Affiliate has only been approved for certain websites/services then the affiliate must not use these links on un-approved websites/services.
Affiliates agree to comply and abide by any additional terms or restrictions added by the Merchants via the Affiliate Control Area. Updates or changes to these terms or restrictions will be notified by Paid On Results via the Affiliate Control Area and/or in an email/newsletter.
The Affiliate must not in any way generate or contribute to generating Artificial Traffic to Linked Websites.
The Affiliate should not use any means of artificial traffic to gain sales commission, this includes the use of software or products that alter fellow Affiliates link codes or intercept click through traffic from the affiliate to the merchant’s site.
The Affiliate may not use links to Merchants via Paid On Results in software programs without first submitting a full copy of the software for review by Paid On Results – Technical Department. If a program is accepted to promote Merchants via Paid On Results you must also notify Paid On Results of any major changes to the way the program is used. Programs that may not be acceptable include any program that perform functions such as reporting back user activity, displaying adverts over or on sites that belong our Merchants or competitors of our Merchants, and programs that interfere with other Affiliates websites in any fashion. If you are in any doubt please contact us so we may audit your program before you join Paid On Results. Any Affiliates using programs to promote merchants at Paid On Results should be aware that they could be removed from any or all merchants, not excluding Paid On Results fully, without notice.
Paid On Results owns all copyrights, trademarks, intellectual property rights, know-how or any other rights connected to the service or software necessary for the service. The Affiliate does not acquire any rights or licences whatsoever under this Agreement other than to use links to Linked Websites on the terms of this Agreement.
The Affiliate consents to the publication of the Affiliate’s name and web address etc on the Paid On Results website and to Paid On Results sending newsletters etc to the Affiliate’s e-mail address and using the information given by the Affiliate for marketing purposes. The Affiliate confirms that in order to enable Paid On Results to improve and/or to promote or market the service, Paid On Results may produce statistics or summaries relating to the use of the service.
Paid On Results may contact the Affiliate by email, telephone or post for feedback relating to the service including any ways in which it might be improved both for the network and for the individual Affiliate.
The Affiliate confirms to Paid On Results that the Affiliate is not a private individual less than 18 years of age. If you are under 18 years old and would like to become an affiliate, you must get a parent or guardian to sign-up on your behalf.
Paid On Results shall not be liable for the legality of Paid On Results service in countries other than the United Kingdom. The Affiliate is solely responsible for the legality of the use of the service if the Affiliate is registered to Paid On Results service from a country other than the United Kingdom or if the Affiliate’s website is on a server in a country other than the United Kingdom.
This Agreement is subject to the laws of Scotland and shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Scottish courts.
If any dispute arises out of this Agreement the Parties will attempt to settle it by a mediation procedure as the parties may agree in writing.
You can apply online today and receive your deed poll documents within 1-2 working days. From just £15.99 we provide a low cost, but high quality deed poll service.
Our Deed Poll Services

Adult Deed Poll Service
An adult deed poll is the quickest and easiest way to legally have your name changed in the UK if you are 16 years old or older. You do not need consent from anyone to change your legal name.

Child Deed Poll Service
We can draft an official child deed poll for you, which will enable you to change your child’s legal name. Please note that everyone with parental responsibility must consent to the name change.

Replacement Deed Poll
If you have lost or misplaced your deed poll and require a new one as legal proof that you have changed your name previously, you will need to order a Replacement Deed Poll.

Free 1st Class Delivery
Once you have placed your order it will be sent by 1st class post.

Change my name?
Use our quick and easy deed poll services to change your name.

Institute of Paralegals
We are certified members of the institute of paralegals, making sure you receive professional & expert advice.
Frequently Asked Questions
What sort of name can you choose?
We are certified members of the Institute of Paralegals, making sure you receive professional & expert advice.
Is there an official deed poll office in the UK?
This is a common misconception. There is no government department or entity that provides deed polls. All the providers of deed poll documents in the UK, are either lawyers or private providers like ourselves.
How long will it take to change my name?
You will receive your deed poll and copies within 24 hours ( except weekends and bank holidays).
How much does a deed poll cost?
Our deed polls are £15.99 including vat, there is a drop down box on the order page for you to choose the amount of certified copies you require.
What other costs will there be to change my name?
The authorities where you change your name such as the Passport Office and DVLA will require you to submit your deed with an official application form and fees may be charged for doing so.
Do I really need a deed poll?
There are times when a deed poll is not needed to change your name. We have listed the most usual types of situations for you.
Do I have to update my driving licence in my new name?
Yes, you will need to apply for a new copy licence from the DVLA.
Can my employer (or potential employer) ask me about my former name?
If on application, the employers asks for any names you may have been known by, then you should tell them. Non discourse of facts such as these could lead to your instant dismissal.