What can’t I change my name to?
Subject to the restrictions outlined below, you can change your name to pretty much anything as long as it is not harming or likely to harm anyone else or infringe on their intellectual property.
The UK, unlike a lot of other countries have very few restrictions as to what you can call yourself.
Restrictions on Changing your Name by Deed Poll
The Restrictions on Changing your name
These are some of the in house restrictions we have put in place, but we do reserve the right not to produce a deed poll where we consider it is for an illegal purpose.
• The chosen name change includes numbers or symbols so J03 Br03n would not be allowed.
• The chosen name promotes criminal activities; such as Mike Drug Lord
• The chosen name promotes racial, sexual or religious intolerance.
• The chosen name ridicules people, groups, government departments, companies or organisations;
• The chosen name breaches an individual or companies intellectual property rights
• The chosen name attempts to confirm a formal title or honour in order to commit fraud.
As long as you are not using the name change to upset, deceive, defraud or avoid justice, then we will be able to prepare a deed poll for you.
Fun or amusing name changes
Many people choose to change their names to something memorable or amusing famous examples are Lord Screaming Such, Rodney Trotter, Ali Bongo etc.
However a word of warning, that you must intend to use this name in all deeds and writing going forward. On occasions the UK passport office has been known to refuse silly name changes.
However you can always change it back, because there is no restriction on adults as to how many times they change their name, as long as it is not for fraudulent purposes.
You can apply online today and receive your deed poll documents within 1-2 working days. From just £15.99 we provide a low cost, but high quality deed poll service.
Our Deed Poll Services

Adult Deed Poll Service
An adult deed poll is the quickest and easiest way to legally have your name changed in the UK if you are 16 years old or older. You do not need consent from anyone to change your legal name.

Child Deed Poll Service
We can draft an official child deed poll for you, which will enable you to change your child’s legal name. Please note that everyone with parental responsibility must consent to the name change.

Replacement Deed Poll
If you have lost or misplaced your deed poll and require a new one as legal proof that you have changed your name previously, you will need to order a Replacement Deed Poll.

Free 1st Class Delivery
Once you have placed your order it will be sent by 1st class post.

Change my name?
Use our quick and easy deed poll services to change your name.

Institute of Paralegals
We are certified members of the institute of paralegals, making sure you receive professional & expert advice.
Frequently Asked Questions
What sort of name can you choose?
You are legally entitled to change your name to anything you desire providing that you are not trying to defraud or deceive anyone. Call us for more information if you are unsure.
Is there an official deed poll office in the UK?
This is a common misconception. There is no government department or entity that provides deed polls. All the providers of deed poll documents in the UK, are either lawyers or private providers like ourselves.
How long will it take to change my name?
You will receive your deed poll and copies within 24 hours ( except weekends and bank holidays).
How much does a deed poll cost?
Our deed polls are £15.99 including vat, there is a drop down box on the order page for you to choose the amount of certified copies you require.
What other costs will there be to change my name?
The authorities where you change your name such as the Passport Office and DVLA will require you to submit your deed with an official application form and fees may be charged for doing so.
Do I really need a deed poll?
There are times when a deed poll is not needed to change your name. We have listed the most usual types of situations for you.
Do I have to update my driving licence in my new name?
Yes, you will need to apply for a new copy licence from the DVLA.
Can my employer (or potential employer) ask me about my former name?
If on application, the employers asks for any names you may have been known by, then you should tell them. Non discourse of facts such as these could lead to your instant dismissal.